Sunday, February 28, 2010

Math Class, Wednesday February 24

In math class we wrapped up problem 3.2 and started problem 3.3. In problem 3.2 we had to find Sascha's rates in miles per hour for each part of her trip. We had to figure out which part she went the fastest, and the slowest. Also you had to figure out how long it would take you to travel as far as she did in the same amount of time going 13 mph, and the last thing we had to solve was the steady rate we would have to mantain to keep up with him, and tie him. In problem 3.3 we had to compare CD prices between two different stores. We had to find out which store had a better price for each CD. We had to figure out an equation that you could use to calculate the cost for any purchase of CDs. Then, the next problem we had to solve was using the equation to write new ones including 5% tax on any purchase. On the next problem we had to figure out an equation of the cost of any order for discs on a website that cost $8.99 each with no tax, but 5$ shipping on any order. The last problem we solved was answering "How many discs do you have to order from the website to get a better deal tha buying from Music City?" and "How many discs do you have to order from the website to get a better deal than buying from CD World?". In class we also learned about rounding. We learned 5 and up, you round to the next number, but anything under 5 you keep the number the same. We learned more about rates in wrapping up 3.2, and we learned more about solving problems with tax in completing 3.3.

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