1. An equation like the one y=mx+b has a dependant variable, an independant variable, a y intercept and a coefficient of x. Y in the equation is the dependant variable or the output in a table. X is the independant variable or the input. B is the y intercept or on a graph the point where the line intercepts with the y axis. M is the coefficient of x or the rate.
2. a. Say the linear relationship was y=3x and you needed to find out what y would be if x equaled 5. In a table you would look in the x colum until you got dwon to 5 then you would look at the number next to it in the y colum which in this case would be 15. So the answer to your problem would be 15=3*5 or just 15. On a graph if you were using the same relationship and you wanted to find the same thing you would look at the x axis until you found 5 then you would look at the line and move your finger toward the y axis adn the number would be 15.
b. In an equation you would substitue the numbers in for the variables. Like in the equation x=4y and y equaled 2. the equation would then be x=4*2 and 4 times 2 is 8 so x would equal 8.
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